Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Song for Supergurl

Since bud and booze have been the topics this week, I just had to throw in some John Lee Hooker. 16 days to blogmeet!


CharlieDelta said...

That's kickass Paul! Quite appropriate to go with bud and booze...

SuperGurl said...

yeah, it's awesome. i dig it.

and supergurl's world is an orally fixated environment, so you will have to try your more taunting troll shite if you want to get deleted over there.

CharlieDelta said...

HA HA! I read Paul's comment over there and laughed my ass off. Then when I read his retraction, I laughed even harder. Now I'm reading this...

I have a feeling there's going to be massive amounts of shit-talking bewteen you two. Maybe I should go buy a mini cassette recorder to get this drunken fiasco documented?? In a year from now, I don't wanna hear any "he said/she said" crap.

On second thought, I would hate to have my own "secret" weapon used against me...

Note to self:
Scratch the mini cassette recorder idea. It's crap.