Monday, May 19, 2008


I would like to thank Supergurl and Nancy for setting up this site and inviting me to post here. I have debated starting my own blog over the past few years but just don't have the time/care to manage my own blog. This is a perfect scenario for me so that I can post about my Hometown and get all you furiners learned on what to expect from the people of the Texas Hill Country.

1. If another man holds the door open for you he is not gay we just have manners.
2. If you see a kid driving a tractor down the road, don't freak out he does not have a license for a car yet.
3. Kerrville is a retirement town and they drive slow. Don't blow your horn and yell at them, they are still good shots.
4. Most folks here are nice, respectfull people, if you run into anyone that is not, you have our permission to whoop that ass.
5. Just like the Guadalupe River we don't get in too much of a hurry here so leave the big city in the big city please.
6. If you meet a kid that cusses better than you, you have our permission to whoop that ass.
7. I have no idea why our high school mascot is a freakin antler it just is, don't ask.
8. We have some celebrity life here but if you run into Thomas Hayden Church don't approach him he is a royal dooshbag see #4
9. Sir and Ma'am are still normal vocabulary words here. If you meet a child that does not think that way see #6
10. I can't think up anything for #10 so just be prepared to have fun!


SuperGurl said...

i'm shocked you left out the buttholdsworth & cryders, to hill country legends in education.

but hey, it's your post, man. do what you want. ; )

kerrcarto said...

I'm getting there. I forgot alot of stuff. Work and all you know.

CharlieDelta said...

"I would like to thank Supergurl and Nancy for setting up this site and inviting me to post here."
-I'd like to second that "Thank you" and my apologies for not posting sooner. It's been really busy, and at the same time I don't have much patience to try an figger this compooter stuff out. Plus, I keep forgetting my password and have to snatch a new one. I'm a little slow, but I'm getting there. Maybe I should put the beer down? Nah!

In response to these, I have to put in my own two cents:

1. If another man holds the door open for you he is not gay we just have manners.
-I was fortunate enough to have my folks teach me those same manners. My 'ex' used to wierd out about the fact that I held the door open for her. I guess maybe that's why she's my 'ex'...

2. If you see a kid driving a tractor down the road, don't freak out he does not have a license for a car yet.
-As long as I don't see a monkey driving a tractor down the road, I'll be okay, but if I do, you can be damn sure I'm taking a picture.

3. Kerrville is a retirement town and they drive slow. Don't blow your horn and yell at them, they are still good shots.

4. Most folks here are nice, respectfull people, if you run into anyone that is not, you have our permission to whoop that ass.
-I am going into this expecting absolutely nothing. I'm not looking for a fight, just some good times with like-minded peeps!

5. Just like the Guadalupe River we don't get in too much of a hurry here so leave the big city in the big city please.
-That's an easy one. Consider it done!

6. If you meet a kid that cusses better than you, you have our permission to whoop that ass.

7. I have no idea why our high school mascot is a freakin antler it just is, don't ask.
-Get a few Shiner Bocks in me and I might give you some shit for that...

8. We have some celebrity life here but if you run into Thomas Hayden Church don't approach him he is a royal dooshbag see #4
-I'm writing this down...

9. Sir and Ma'am are still normal vocabulary words here. If you meet a child that does not think that way see #6
-Now here's one that might catch me off guard. I'm not used to being called Sir. I work for a living...

10. I can't think up anything for #10 so just be prepared to have fun!
-I'm prepping myself everytime I get an email from one of you. Damn, time goes by really slow when you're staring at the calender every day.

Thanks for the heads-up kerrcarto. Great post! Looking foward to a few beers with ya and some fishin' on the Guadalupe. What kind of tackle should I bring?

And again, thank you Supergurl and Nancy for the invite and the opportunity to post something here. When I get my head out of my ass and figger this out, I will post a FEW reasons why I'm really happy to hang with the Blown Eyes.

Anonymous said...

11. If you're family tree doesn't fork, chances are you're from Kerrville.

12. You might be from Kerrville if you think armadillo is the "other white meat."

Hope y'all got good sense of humors down there.

kerrcarto said...

What do you get when you put 32 women from Kerrville in the same room?

A full set of teeth.

SuperGurl said...

whew, kerrcarto...

that one grazed the ole comfort boundry. WE both know TO WHOM that joke really refers. kerrville? sure.

and paul, dude, the armadillo is sacred. the hindu cow of texas, that would be like eating your grandpa, sick!!